Social Media, Oversharing, and Weight Loss

Hello peeps!

So… it’s Monday. The week started sort of OK. I had tuna on toast for breakfast, some pretzels for a snack (OK, not the best), fish, pasta, and salad for lunch, and cold green tea and lemon for an afternoon snack. I’m heading to the gym soon for zumba and barre, and planning to have hot green tea and protein granola with almond milk for dinner. Gained 2 lbs. (not surprised) but I am optimistic that things will turn around soon.

Today, The Daily Post Blogging 101 assignment encourages bloggers to use social media to increase readership and connect with others.


I love social media. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Here’s the very first picture I posted right before my first zumba class on my first day at the gym:

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The caption read #sleepymind #activefeet Let’s #zumba. A completely inconspicuous picture that got lost in the online clutter and barely got a handful of likes on instagram although I also shared it on facebook and twitter. That first month I shared workout outings, and social events that had to do with healthy eating. Again nobody seemed to care but putting it out there was a way of reassuring myself that I was really doing this. In September I reshared the same picture with the note that I had lost 10 lbs. I got one like on facebook… well, it was something. Again, the sharing started more to keep me accountable than to get other people’s support. After all, my friends have known me a long time and had no reason to believe I would stick to the program. I, too, had my doubts.

In November I posted my first full-body picture with the tag #25lbsgone and then in December I posted my first before/now picture. The picture got 74 likes on facebook and another 19 on instagram. At this point I have to admit… this kept me going. In February I posted my 6-month report picture and again I got a lot of love on facebook and instagram. Then came the photo that prompted the blog:


I just realized how much my hair has grown… I digress. With the birth of the blog came the birth of a new twitter account. The @theextrapounds is used to promote this blog, share posts from people I follow, and articles I found online. I also share my workouts and most of the pictures I post on instagram.

The blog has been a huge game changer. While my weight loss has slowed down A LOT! (I’m working on it), the blog has kept me going. Sharing information online via the blog and the different social media outlets I use have been a tremendous help. I never thought I really needed this. Here are the top three ways social media and this blog has helped not give up.

  1. Keeps me accountable – I write and share my goals, workout, and food plans online and most times that helps me make better decisions later.
  2. Multiplies my coaches and cheerleaders – Sometimes I will be chatting with someone saying that I am tired and probably won’t make it to the gym and I usually get an encouraging message to suck it up and get out there. If I have questions, I have a large online community from whom I can get a quick answer, motivation, and inspiration.
  3. Virtual Groups – I love the virtual friends I have made through Dietbet, the Fitbloggin community, and other workout or challenges groups that I have been invited to join via twitter.

And it’s free! well… technically. In real life, your social network may not be on board or simply able to provide the support needed but an online network never sleeps. I have connected with people from all over the world and I can get an answer or a reaction at any time.

So for all that…



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