
Sunday Summary: Day 7

Hello peeps!

I hope you’ve been having a fantastic week. I’ve been busy… but I can’t tell you why. Hopefully I’ll be on a sharing mood soon. :mrgreen:

Today I just wanted to let you know (and keep it on the record) that I’ve made it to Day 7 of JJ Smith’s 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. WOOHOO!

10dayI got to be honest. It’s been a little trying but only a little. I am actually pretty happy with how well I have been doing. For those of you not familiar with this program, it’s a 10-day plan in which every day you have the same smoothie for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (there are 10 different smoothies). The smoothies are mainly made of 2-3 cups of dark leafy greens (spinach, spring mix, kale), and fruit. In the morning you start with a cup of detox tea (I use Yogi) and lots of water (or herbal tea) throughout the day. You are also allowed to eat crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, celery, and carrots; and nuts and peanuts as long as they are raw and natural; and hard-boiled eggs (random?). I’ve calculated my daily calorie intake at around 1200 (the smoothies take about half of that). It also says that you should have up to three bowel movements a day and to help yourself with Salt Water Flush or MagO7, but I’m not doing this, I’m letting nature do it’s thing.

So, Day 7… I’m down 7.6 lbs. which is great but I had gained about 15 lbs. since my lowest point and although I am super happy I am aware that there is much work yet to be done. But I’m liking this. I can see continuing with 1-2 smoothies a day and yummy salads with protein.

I am usually very skeptical about these programs but this one is pretty doable; mostly, because you do get to eat something in between. I admit that I don’t follow it completely and have “cheated” with avocado and oranges which are not on the list but I don’t think they’ve done much harm. JJ Smith also manages a super encouraging Facebook group that I recommend you check out if you are wondering how other people do on this.

That’s it for now…
Weekly Words of Wisdom


good advice 😉
and thanks for stopping by.

“R” is for Restaurants

RI don’t know you peeps but in my experience there is just no way to lose weight if I constantly eat out. There is just no way. And I love eating out and therefore I have had to learn to make smart decisions when I eat out and plan ahead in order to not terribly disturb my weight loss journey.

So… let’s talk about restaurants. I love them 😆 and what’s not to love: yummy food, no prep, no cooking, no clean-up. It’s awesome. The main problem with eating out is that we have very little control on how it is prepared and therefore a simple meal of 600 calories at home may easily turn into a 2000-calorie monstrosity at your favorite food joint. What’s a girl (or guy) on a diet to do?

Toni’s Restaurant Tips

TIP #1 Check the menu before you go – Most restaurants share their meals’ nutritional value on their website. Check it before you head out so you have a better idea what are your best choices. There are also apps that can help you make smarter choices at the dinner table. I usually check my copy of Eat This, Not That! or the website. In any case, the trick is to be prepared before you set foot in the restaurant.

TIP #2 Plan out your week – I usually know how many times I’ll be eating out during the week so if it’s only one day I may allow myself to splurge and have a “cheat-meal” with no regrets but if I know that I will be eating out three or more days the next week then I make sure that I choose healthier options with plenty of greens and sauces and/or dressings on the side.

TIP #3 Check your alcohol and/or skip dessert – The biggest change I made to my lifestyle was limiting my alcohol consumption. I barely have any anymore unless I’m out with friends and preferably if I know I will be dancing and therefore burning it off. I also rarely have dessert and if I do I try to share it.

Do you plan your eating out adventures? Got any tips?

“O” is for Omnivore

OBeing an omnivore, an animal that eats food of both plant and animal origin, is probably the cause of a lot of our problems; certainly a source of one of mine. Being able to eat pretty much anything has expanded our taste buds and driven us to exploit too much of our natural habitat. And it wasn’t enough to eat varied locally but we’ve moved things around and disturbed natural habitats to create a food system that can meet (with detrimental effects) our ever-demanding taste buds. It’s our dilemma as Michael Pollan puts it.

I read this book many years ago. It was an assigned reading in an Environmental Communication class I took one summer. In this class and following Pollan’s lead, each of us tried to follow the production chain of a particular food. I remember I did soy milk from a particular brand and since then have sworn the whole thing off. I was baffled by how difficult it was in the US to really know where our food came from and/or how it had been produced. Since then I try to have more control over my food at home but when eating out (and even sometimes at home) I tend to throw the rule book out. Bad choice.

If Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma seems too long, I recommend that you check out his Food Rules book. Very short and to the point. Here’s the main lesson you’ll find in all his books and a great piece of advice for all of us omnivores:

Eat-Food-GraphicNow, when it comes to meat I have gone vegan and/or vegetarian a few times and when I go back to meat it is rarely red. If I eat red meat it is usually grass fed. I gave up seafood for humanitarian reasons and now it looks like fish is off the table too. You can read the article that convinced me here but I’ll summarize the top reasons: we’re overfishing and depleting our marine wildlife, fish can live for quite a while (upwards of 80 years) so we could be eating really old fish, and finally, most fish eat other fish which brings me to this highlighted point:

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So… I don’t know what most people are up to but this omnivore is going to finish the chicken and fish leftovers that are in my fridge and I’m heading back to vegetarianism, well, let’s say mostly vegetarianism. Seafood is definitely off the menu but I may partake in free-range chicken and/or grass-fed red meat every now and then.

Oh, sushi… I already miss you so much.

Sunday Summary: Girl Power

Screen shot 2015-03-08 at 7.36.00 PMHello peeps! Happy International Women’s Day and congrats to all the women and girls who have access to the internet and can read. Special thanks to those of you who choose to visit me.

This year’s theme calls for greater gender equality with the hashtag #MakeItHappen, a kind reminder that we count and that we are important and capable members of society. And a wake up call for me to finally focus on something… career-wise. I am currently a bit all over the place.

On better news I didn’t gain nor lose weight but I worked-out hard this week and I am very proud of my accomplishments. I ate pretty well, way more than I am used to but had about four meals out this week which is way above average. I didn’t run at all but I met with my trainer and I have a diversified workout schedule for next week that includes running, swimming, and spinning. I’m looking forward to the change of pace and the impact it has on my body.

Yesterday, I attended my local consignment store’s biannual $10 bag sale. I bought two bags and brought home a nice selection of spring and summer clothes sizes 6 through 10. I can’t wait to fit in them.

Today, I had a date with two of my book club pals. We had a great brunch and then visited my local Contemporary Art Museum for an exhibition of American impressionist Charles Courtney Curran. The artist’s work from late 19th and early 20th century is incredibly realistic and a few even had a 3D flare. Pretty impressive.

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Overall a pretty good week. Nothing to complain about.

Weekly Words of Wisdom 

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Thanks for visiting – Have a great week!

Sunday Summary: Not the Best Start

Hello peeps! So Round #1 on Dietbet ended today… and normally I would write a “Dietbet Update” post but this was so bad that it doesn’t deserve it. I was supposed to lose five pounds this month and instead I gained six. I GAINED SIX POUNDS! I want to be mad at myself but I can’t because I did this to myself. And I know better.


So I am back to the drawing board. Thankfully, there’s always Monday to give you a chance to start fresh and on track. Thanks to MobileFit, I am starting a 1500 low-cholesterol meal plan tomorrow. Looking at the suggested menu and comparing it to my food journal, I can clearly see that I have been undereating and over-snacking. I have not been eating enough for breakfast and I’ve been doing dinner wrong. I may be eating too much fruit and too few vegetables. Story of my life.

Anywho… I’ll be posting regularly this week to share meals, recipes, and exercise routines… and to keep myself on check. Cheer me on on Twitter and Instagram. Your support makes a huge difference and I always appreciate it.

Overall, this week I exercised pretty well but I was not on my A game. I can kick it up a notch. And so I will. I ate a lot out which did not help. HOWEVER… and this is a big however, I know I have gained muscle too. My arms are looking great and my lunges and squats look better every week. NON SCALE VICTORY FOR THE WIN!

Weekly Words of Wisdom


As always… thanks for stopping by. 😀

Sunday Summary: Valentine’s Day Edition

Hello peeps! I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Whether you spent quality time with your significant other, baked something yummy with the little ones, had a fun “friends-only” event, or simply enjoyed the solitude, I trust that it was a good Saturday. Mine was probably the most eventful Valentine’s Day in recent memory.

I did really well on the Cupid’s Chase 5K run (which was a little over 5K) and my time was even better than before and no cramps. Fabulous!


I then headed to Carrabba’s or a fun lunch and gift game with my book club pals. I had their house salad with italian vinaigrette on the side and their amazing Tag Pic Pac pasta with chicken. Please don’t judge me. 😀 – Oh! and about the game… I received a beautiful pink wristlet wallet.

Screen shot 2011-05-18 at 2.03.15 PMFinally, in a spur of the moment I agreed to watch Fifty Shades of Grey. I hope that everyone gets that this is a terrible example of what a positive relationship is while simultaneously placing healthy people who happen to enjoy S&M under a bad light. This is a terrible story… that said… I can’t deny that I enjoyed watching it with friends. I had several thoughts as I watched it but I think Buzzfeed did a better job so please do yourself a favor and read this after you watch the movie or now if you have no intention of watching it. Hilarious… and oh so true.

So… I can’t complain. I had a great time.

This week I also met with a trainer at my local Y and got signed into MobileFit. I have a new weights program that I will start tomorrow and do three times a week, and a nutrition program that is aimed at helping me lose weight while keeping my cholesterol on check. This should be good.

Overall, again I overindulged with the snacks which probably shows that I have been under-eating at mealtime. My new meal plan sounds like a lot right now so I am guessing I was probably not eating enough which is why I was over-snacking and ultimately not losing any weight. I exercised about eight hours this week, including the run, which is great. I am really excited to start a new regimen and see what happens.

Weekly Words of Wisdom


As always… thanks for stopping by. 😀

Sunday Summary: I don’t need wheat to bake

Hello peeps!

I just registered for a new Dietbet which will run from January 21st to July 20th. I also have been eating ALL THE FOOD… and skipping breakfast. I’ve been really bad. To top it off, aunt Flo decided to pay me a visit so I am also in all kinds of moods (and as you can read, without shame).

On better news I clocked 8 1/2 hours of exercise this week including a 2-mile run, had two fabulous friend dates, one with an old classmate I hadn’t seen in a while and one with a group of new friends, and I found a fantastic banana bread recipe that I have now modified and made it even healthier. I may never use whole wheat flour… ever… again.

My Healthy Berry Banana Bread:

Preheat oven at 325 F and prepare baking pan with cooking oil spray (I used an 8×4)

1. Mix all dry ingredients: 1 1/4 cup of oatmeal flour (I just put oats in a grinder) + 2 tbs. baking powder.
2. Mash one large banana – better if it is very ripe.
3. Mix all wet ingredients: 1 egg + 1 tbsp olive oil + 2 tbsp vanilla extract + 1/4 cup almond milk.
4. Mix banana and wet ingredients well
5. Mix everything with a spatula and then add a handfull of raspsberries, blueberries, and blackberries.
6. Pour into baking pan and cover with nuts (I used walnuts).

Bake for 35 min.or until toothpick comes out clean. Let sit for 10 min before serving.

As you can imagine it is not a very sweet bread but it is super healthy and great for breakfast. The lesson I learned is that you can make a perfectly moist and yummy banana bread with no wheat… for the win!

Weekly Words of Wisdom


get out there and try something new
and as always, thanks for stopping by 😀

The Best of 2014

Well… here we are, December 31st 2014. It’s been a really interesting year for sure and I hope I have set the stage to an even more interesting year. Let’s review:


1. Start a New Adventure: I started a few different projects this year but my biggest adventure was this blog. This little blog has opened doors I didn’t know were there. I find that my writing has improved, my social network has grown, and new opportunities have arisen. All good things.

BEST POST IN 2014: Year One: The Weight Loss Chronicles

2. Arrive at Goal Weight: What is “goal weight”? I know a lot of people don’t like the BMI statistic but I find it a good number to start with. I don’t believe it is a specially important number nor does it say a lot when considered alone. But, it’s a good number to start and along with eating well and moving more, a healthy BMI is something I am striving for. On January 1st 2014 I weighed-in at 188 lbs., today I weighed-in at 166 (I’ve been eating out a lot). At 5’1”, my BMI is 31.4 which keeps me in the obese category (will I ever escape?). However, in 2014 I managed to lose 22 lbs. and I am super proud of that.

BEST TRANSFORMATION PICTURE 2014: From size 18 to 10

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3. Zumba Everyday: This was a really silly resolution. In reality doing zumba everyday is not going to help me lose weight. I have learned that I have to diversify my workouts and so I have. I mostly did zumba this year but I also took weight training classes, barre, and yoga; I also did some running, took nature walks, and got on the elliptical; every so often I took a kettlebell class or went for a swim.


4. Eat with a Purpose: Another silly resolution. I consider this one accomplished. I pretty much recorded everything I ate all year, missing only a handful of days. I planned ahead when I ate out and learned from all the bad decisions. I am much more aware of what I eat and keep learning more every day.

BEST CHEAT MEAL 2014: Buttermilk Chicken Fried Burger at Porterhouse Grill in Athens. GA.  

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5. Run a Half Marathon: What was I thinking! 😆 This year I completed the Couch to 5K program and ran my first official 5K. I also did a 10K MudRun and completed most of the 36 obstacles. That was amazing! Half marathon? Maybe someday.

BEST RACE 2014: Ultimate Challenge Mud Run

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6. Read More: Initially I wanted to try and read one book a week. I fell way short but I still managed to read more books than I did in 2013. I read 20 books total this year and learned quite a bit. My favorite book reconnected me with my roots and sparked my interest in history.

BEST READ 2014: Bolivar: American Liberator by Marie Arana (my review)

7. Pay off Credit Cards: I managed to pay off one of the two. I am looking forward to paying off my second credit card and destroying it too. No more credit cards for me for a while. This year as I change sizes I’ve become a thrift store regular and I love it. It’s more like treasure hunting and less like shopping which I find a little too much sometimes.

BEST SHOPPING SPREE 2014: $20 Brown Bag Sale

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8. Travel More: This year I have been the most financially challenged I have been in a while. I’ve gotten incredibly creative and when better times come I know I’ll make much better use of the extra cash. I still managed to make a few trips including Washington DC., Athens and Atlanta, GA., Williamsburg, VA., and Savannah, GA.

BEST TRIP 2014: Fitbloggin in Savannah, GA. 

9. Make New Friends: My recently-developed introversion and moving to a new town made it difficult to make new friends but I have managed some. I joined a wonderful Book Club, developed some friendships at the gym, and let my online social network grow.

BEST NEW FRIEND 2014: Come’on ALL OF THEM of course 😀

10. Volunteer: I am ashamed to admit that I haven’t really made much progress on this resolution. Although I did some volunteer work here and there and was able to make some donations and participate in a few charitable activities I haven’t really committed as I wanted to. A few months back I attended an interest meeting during National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week and I realized that this is what I want to get involved with. Hopefully I will find a group I can work with.

Overall, it’s been a very productive year. I feel I was able to accomplish most of the goals I set out or at least I got them started. Check back tomorrow for my 2015 Resolutions list.

 As we prepare to say goodbye to 2014


Be safe.

How did you do with your resolutions? Preparing any for 2015? Comment away.

Sunday Summary: Almost there

Peeps, we are almost there. Almost 2015.

I had a pretty good week exercise-wise clocking 10 hours of exercise. The festivities didn’t really interrupt my routine and the only day that the gym was closed (xmas day) the day was perfect for exercising outdoors so that worked out pretty well.

Food-wise, I ate out A LOT! On Monday I went to my favorite chinese restaurant. On Friday, I had IHOP’s Smokehouse Combo for breakfast, and then I went to the movies and had popcorn, chocolate, and later I had pringles… I overdid it. Today I had a hawaiian pizza for lunch. On the better side of things, I skipped dinner on Monday and will probably do so again today; on Friday I exercised in the morning and evening. I hope that’s enough to offset the extra intake. But if it isn’t… that’s OK too.

I am currently reviewing my 2014 resolutions and I am happy to announce that I did pretty well. I got almost everything done which feels great. I’ll be posting The Best of 2014 on the 31st and new resolutions on the January 1st.

This week’s Weekly Words of Wisdom
come courtesy of my 2015 calendar cover:


Happy Sunday everyone 😀

Monday: Here we go again…

Hello peeps! How’s your Monday going? Hopefully well. Me? Well… I’m trying not to be disappointed with the scale and focus on the non-scale victories instead (it is so hard). Tomorrow is my official weigh-in day for Dietbet and I’m going to lose the round… AGAIN! 😥 Fortunately, I have lost enough to qualify for the last round so here we go.

Today I start a 15-day Healthy Holiday Challenge on Facebook that is organized for free by my virtual coach Lucia Targett and it’s a fun way to stay accountable during these tempting times. The rules are pretty simple (click on the image to join):


DAILY POSTS: I love that I have a place to check in everyday without flooding my own page.

THE WORKOUT PLAN: I’m keeping it simple and trying to meet my regular weekly target of 6-10 hours of exercise. This usually means going to the gym at least five days.

EAT CLEAN: I’m pretty good as long as I prepare my meals and avoid eating out. I have a dinner with friends tomorrow and will probably eat out over the weekend but I’ll stick to healthy choices and minimize the outings these next 15 days. I am also lowering my sodium intake. I hope that does the trick.

And of course the most fun: BEING ENCOURAGED AND ENCOURAGING.

Alright! So this is the plan… now let’s make it work. Today I started out with a fruity/nutty breakfast; lunch was black beans, with ground turkey and veggies, half an avocado, and a tablespoon of grated parmesan; and my snack was a handful of almonds with dark chocolate. I’m now heading to the gym for an hour of zumba followed by an hour of barre… my regular Monday workout. Dinner will be protein granola with almond milk and a cup of green tea before bed. That should do it. 😀

Come back tomorrow for a new Dietbet Update (Round 5).
It’s not going to be pretty but it should be fun.